The title "User cases" should not be separated from the rest of the part.
Write a simple landing page message on the 'index.html' file.
I've had an idea, looking at the source code of the driver and the original 2MB board schematics:
I've been looking at the Lo-tech EMS driver (in the software directory) for a bit.
I found out som…
valighthouse.statuspage.io reports that as of Dec 1, 20:15 EST all maintenance has been completed yet as of 22:27 EST all endpoints that were under maintenance still are unusable despite valighthouse.…
It would be nice if we can enforce naming conventions space wide and sub-space hierarchies.
Design a page for new users to get the personal info the app requires:
- Date of Birth
- Height
- Weight
- Gender (optional)
The page glitches sometimes and nothing displays on the screen
Contributions :
@BenjaminGalliot Tu m'as expliqué le souci d'exhaustivité. Mais au bilan, je trouve que dan…