When I try to draw something fast instead of the expected shape I see only one dot. I've noticed that in this case calls only onBegin prop, onEnd is not calling.
Could you please tell what…
### Minimal reproducible example
### Summary
Possibly a React Native issue rather than an Expo issue but their github says log the bug here if using Exp…
When I go to the extreme right or left, pointer label component box is cutting from the screen. How to make it responsive and auto adjust when we slide left or right.
Attaching the screenshot of th…
@GeekyAnts, @akhil-geekyants:
Link Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ifx1orms0PHYb3LLhf5lcwrVFyjPVk1j/view
Hi, I'm using tab.
As you can see from the video, native base in this case behaves…
I'm trying to drag/drop a Text into a ForeignObject with panResponder, but it's not working. Is there any way to do this or is not supported?
![Captura de Tela 2024-04-22 às 17 53 07](https://gith…
Hello i am trying set initial position of the slider, position={ numberPosition }. In IOS it works fine, but in ANDROID it always start from 0, suppose start from the value of numberPostion variable.
Full warning: [Unhandled promise rejection: Error: ExpoTHREE.loadObjAsync: Cannot parse a null asset]
- node_modules\expo-three\build\loaders\loadModelsAsync.js:10:14 in loadFileAsync$
- node_module…
Hi, I hope you are doing good!
I have a problem with react-native: 0.63.4. when I added your example to my project and tried to test it, the selected item was not in the correct position. This happe…
Thanks in advance for the help!
Please let me know if I can provide any extra information!
- Platform: `iOS`
- sdkVersion: `35.0.0`
this.panHandler = React.createRef();
- `three` version: 0.138.3
- `@react-three/fiber` version: ^8.0.0-beta.3
- `@react-three/drei` version: ^8.16.5
- `node` version: 16.14.0
- `yarn` version: 1.22.4
- `react-native` version: 0.…