Hi everyone
I try to generate a python class from the Cisco-IOS-XE-native yang model. Unfortunately, I get the following error:
Cisco-IOS-XE-native.yang:2422 (at Cisco-IOS-XE-ip.yang:1798): w…
Hi, this is an observation and not necessarily a bug report. With pyang==2.6.1 and pyangbind==0.8.6, I cloned this repo and ran the `generate_bindings.sh` script in docs/example/oc-network-instance. T…
I have successfully integrated Nokia and Juniper Routers with gnmic and successfully visualizing telemetry stats on Grafana. But with Huawei, i am unable to scrap data on port 9273 for Prometh…
I have an example where the leaf identityref that I have defined can be used in several leafs
# part of ietf-i2nsf-capability@2022-05-23.yang
identity pass {
base ingress-action;
1. Should YANG status be hierarchical? Or should every node is marked as deprecated for clarity?
2. Are you allowed to have a "current" node below a "deprecated" node? Or a "current" or "obsolete" n…
I have seen email dated 6th of June 2022 about 'YANG Catalog 5.3.0 release', and this is really a good initiative. Same for the CHANGELOG.md (e.g., https://github.com/YangCatalog/backend/blob/master/C…
When using pyang to compile the routing-policy.yang file I get success. But when I try to do so from another bare bones yang module referencing the same via 'uses' I get an error.
So while this…
When I run `pyang` on network-instance module:
pyang -p ./release/models/ -p ./third_party/ietf/ --plugindir $PYBINDPLUGIN -f pybind -o oc_network_instance.py ./release/models/network-insta…
li-ch updated
4 months ago
I've noticed that there have been a lot of improvements to support presence containers lately ([issue 336](https://github.com/robshakir/pyangbind/issues/336)). Many thanks to the community!
I ran int…
I able to get into the yang explorer gui but cannot login (please see screenshot below).