I cant do anything with my server because this panel give me errors.
Processing Admin::OsTemplatesController#install (for at 2013-03-04
19:32:04) [POST]
Parameters: {"controller"=>…
I cant do anything with my server because this panel give me errors.
Processing Admin::OsTemplatesController#install (for at 2013-03-04
19:32:04) [POST]
Parameters: {"controller"=>…
I cant do anything with my server because this panel give me errors.
Processing Admin::OsTemplatesController#install (for at 2013-03-04
19:32:04) [POST]
Parameters: {"controller"=>…
Hola! Les dejo las gemas permitidas a lo largo del proyecto. Cualquier duda de gema pregúntenla en un comentario de esta issue. Iré actualizando la lista a medida que se agreguen nuevas gemas.
i just need config/locales/ja.yml😊
Because of
I want to fix `Translation missing: ja.motor.reports`.
I know that I can set it up in my rails project. However, I hope more Japanese wil…
# Summary
When creating a custom role from the admin _Add role_ page (`/admin/roles/new`), the _Priority_ input field accepts integer values < `-2,147,483,648` which yields a rails `out of range` err…
I configured `rich` just as shown on wiki page to work with `rails_admin`, however when I try to edit a resource which should use rich I get:
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `htm…
The [rails_admin](https://github.com/sferik/rails_admin) gem lets you mount its [engine](http://edgeapi.rubyonrails.org/classes/Rails/Engine.html) within your existing Rails app. That functionality wo…
hey, bro, how are you doing, sorry to bother you.
I'm using the latest `docker-compose.yml` and found the setting
- ...
They would work mostly like Rails except it would not have a block version as it is more confusing than helpful (IMO)
link_to_if user.admin?, "Admin", to: Admin::Users::Index