sage: G = GrowthDiagramShiftedShapes([5, 10, 8, 7, 4, 1, 2, 9, 3, 6])
sage: G.P_symbol().pp()
1 2 3 6 9
4 5 7
8 10
sage: G.Q_symbol().pp()
1 2 4' 5' 6'
I was about to start a new Node.js project that does exactly what `zetta` does, so I'd be glad to contribute here.
What do you think about modernizing the codebase? We could do that by small…
This is a project to implement an abstraction of rectification, evacuation and promotion. These are conventionally defined on standard tableaux using jeu-de-taquin. The file catalan.py gives a toy i…
I think you can deprecate eslint-config-semistandard by setting proper settings in eslint ru…
findstat.org very recently switched to python 3, which slightly affects doctests in the interface. The doctest failures are as follows.
File "src/sage/databases/findstat.py", line 49, in sage.…
We should use ESM imports instead of CommonJS.
See: https://gist.github.com/sindresorhus/a39789f98801d908bbc7ff3ecc99d99c
It would offer a smoother transition when `standard-engine` has been migra…
Type: Bug
I have tried alot of times to singin into vs code with github or microsoft try for both many times and down all the steps of login with github but after comming into vscode showing logini…
You’re going to be under a lot of pressure to make X, Y, and Z, configurable.
Configuration is a perfect example of [tragedy of the commons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragedy_of_the_commons).
This branch refactors `Tableau` and `SkewTableau` to derive from `ClonableList` instead of `CombinatorialObject`. While we do not currently use the cloning context-manager provided by `ClonableList`…
sage: A = AlternatingSignMatrices(6)
sage: lC = [a.corner_sum_matrix() for a in A]
sage: timeit("[A.from_corner_sum(corner) for corner in lC]", number=1, repeat=1)
1 loops, best of 1: 31.6…