I sing a lot of early music, in which the soprano and alto parts and the tenor and bass parts are not always sung by women and men respectively, particularly the alto and tenor parts. The current rat…
C'est juste pour signaler que le WITH de la vue [gn_synthese.v_synthese_for_export](https://github.com/PnX-SI/GeoNature/blob/825c8fff1ba13f0130b89c4e33507494d4936a41/data/core/synthese.sql#L93…
Thanks for all your hard work on this @MeganBeckett! I converted your hand entered data into code so it's easier for us to reapply in the future.
_Originally posted by @hadley in https://github.com…
Potentially very useful. Not sure why we don't have it yet... Maybe too many? Probably make sense to activate once we have a proper UI for the filters.
How should I create a reference from samples where PAR1/2 were masked with N on chrY? This is the case e. g. for GRCh37 (1kG version) or hg38. All reads in male and female are then aligned to PAR1/2 o…
Voici ci dessous une proposition de MCD pour le module d'imports. Je suis preneur d'un regard de @gildeluermoz et @TheoLechemia notamment :)
![MCD Module d'import_20190407](https://u…
DE-2: Please define sex selection early on.
This seems related to #2
In the paragraph under Method, about the Adult Fish Trap Data, it says, "each fish had scale and genetic tissue samples taken". Is that true, or were those samples taken from a subsample of the fish i…
Dans le module web d'Occtax, il est possible de masquer certains champs.
Dans ce cas c'est la valeur par défaut qui est postée.
Il faudrait pouvoir masquer certains champs de la même manière dans l'a…
Per conversation with John Wieczorek, we need to seek funding to implement changes to the event model so that parts = material samples are linked to events = occurrences. This would resolve a deficien…