### Exploring How Music Shapes Emotions in the Brain. A network connectivity analysis perspective on fMRI data.
### Leaders
Matteo Lionello @mlionello
### Collaborators
_No response_
### 🐛 Bug Report
After drawing on a shape, and then moving/rotating the image, it stops being interacted with correctly. A few things I've noticed:
1. The shape might not be able to be reselected
1. Stride 2 conv2d:
`%8 = linalg.conv_2d_nhwc_hwcf_q {dilations = dense : vector, strides = dense : vector} ins(%3, %4, %c0_i32, %c0_i32 : tensor, tensor, i32, i32) outs(%7 : tensor) -> tensor
_From @lucaswoj on August 21, 2015 19:8_
It would be useful to support gradient-colored lines, fills, and backgrounds. What would the stylesheet syntax look like? How would this work with data-driven…
I'm getting the following error when I try to infer from an image.
+ JOB_NAME=painter_vit_large
+ CKPT_FILE=painter_vit_large.pth
+ PROMPT=ADE_train_00001098
+ SIZE=448
+ MODEL=pa…
### Is your feature request related to a problem (if not, explain why you think this feature should be added)? Please describe.
It's currently not possible to have more that one layer of snow (withou…
For a puzzle-like inventory in my game I'd like to have support for shapes that are not rectangles (or squares), such as
**Describe the bug**
Matrix multiplication does not work for all shapes where it should work. I suspect it's b/c the `broadcast_dims` function is written to support bin ops which have different broa…
## 🐛 Bug
Since [`Shapes`](https://github.com/napari/napari/blob/6f639ca031785f2303a33273fa15fe346db51b78/napari/layers/shapes/shapes.py#L99) is a `Layer`, its `data` should fulfill `LayerDataProtoc…
Using [this](https://spatialdata.scverse.org/en/latest/tutorials/notebooks/notebooks/examples/napari_rois.html#) tutorial for MERFISH data, I found that the output of polygon_query(sdata, my_napari_an…