Closure compiler can easily generate [source maps](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/developertools/sourcemaps/); it'd be nice if we could auto-generate these for our users.
I imagine setting `s…
Optimizer should have a configuration to enable source maps to be generated when using google closure compiler
I'm afraid the Vaadin sass library [doesn't support source maps yet](https://github.com/vaadin/sass-compiler/issues/22).
This would be a nice feature to add. We could help vaadin add this functional…
根据实际使用效果来看,似乎devtool设置为 inline-cheap-module-source-map 效果会更好,webpack://src下能很好的对应到vue中的js,断点也工作正常,同时编译速度没什么影响
### Description
I still have issue with react-map-gl to update the Source dynamically. It may be super silly but I can't figure out whats wrong with this approach. Let's say I have multiple "t…
Since Source Maps are now available in the default compiler ( http://coffeescript.org/#source-maps ) how about enabling them in coffee-toaster?
Not 100% sure this is doable, but it looks like its worth checking out. Probably will need to upgrade to uglify2
Does TypeScript-Rails generate source maps? This would greatly help debugging.
I know the infrastructure for source maps are coming in sprockets v4, but I think CoffeeScript and Sass both have source…
Using the bundling and minify feature I cannot get the resulting map files to validate properly using http://sourcemap-validator.herokuapp.com/ Anyone have any suggestions or is there a way to replace…
The ability to set up break points is important, and currently, it's not possible in this plugin, using the source files.
[This line](https://github.com/ChessCom/browser-extension/blob/bc6c2812946…