Hey Tim,
as far as I can tell the model hangs around in GPU memory indefinitely, which might be undesirable for certain use-cases.
I could submit a PR that introduces a timeout env variable (defau…
**Note from the teaching team:** This bug was reported during the _Part II (Evaluating Documents)_ stage of the PE. **You may reject this bug if it is not related to the quality of documentation.**
Hi, firstly thanka for the amazing app!
Would it be possible to add the non-USA for lmat of DD-MM-YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD? asbbest as i can tell the US format is the only option, and as a non American i f…
I tried to make a solar experiment on 2015/01/01 at 14:00 UT with TADs but it doesn't any tipe of image. Probably Dome was note opened. I tried some things but image was always black.
## Feature Request
It would be nice to have pinch-to-zoom gestures that the default image viewer of ubuntu also supports. Zooming is otherwise, a tad bit difficult to do precisely using shortcuts.
# Ejercicio 2
- Se desea implementar un TAD para administrar los muelles de los puertos de una ciudad donde se pueden amarrar y desamarrar embarcaciones. La numeración de los puertos es entera positi…
As per now, RHS HMMWVs let only the dirver and the gunner (!) to use the TAD, but not the front passenger (which is the one most likely to be tasked to manage it). The same happens with RHS MRAPs.
Hi @lgmgeo !
After obtaining a VCF from AnnotSV I used EBI VCF validator (https://github.com/EBIvariation/vcf-validator) obtaining some errors:
According to the VCF specification, the input …