Setting up sync is a good feature to use Flow between devices, which make our experience better.
If flowlaunchher has no plans to create an account system or buy a server, syncing through OneDrive,…
Sometimes Imgur URLs in chat messages like https://imgur.com/jYzz48v can be MP4 videos, not just a static images. It would be great to detect and automatically play these videos.
This is about 10px off from the overlay and it's causing confusion. Can this be updated to match https://gist.github.com/odgrim/c4a5033041b436705d4c45e7f1e89f89/raw/34ee8960bb6c77e4584005ffe0fc4065e7c…
The Math department at IUE uses quick checks, but the experience is unpleasant for students if the options contain formatting in Latex.
I made a quick Tampermonkey hack to replace the dropdowns wi…
Using the "Import Discogs releases to MusicBrainz" Tampermonkey script i got the aforementioned Error and the request to
[report](https://github.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/issues) this error…
GM_xmlhttpRequest/GM.xmlHttpRequest is a foundational feature for userscripts.
It needs the ability to set custom HTTP headers from the ["forbidden" list](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/G…
TamperMonkey has updated to v4.0 and introduced a new cross-site request function called @connect that seems to drastically change how certain things are handled. As such, the userscript ceases to not…
Microsoft Edge Canary浏览器Tampermonkey,Tampermonkey BETA,Violentmonkey都装了脚本,其它一切都按使用说明准备就绪。目前下载图标能出现,但点击无反应,出不来下载列表,清晰度选择之类的。分别试了Tampermonkey BETA,Violentmonkey脚本都这样。后续测试Tampermonkey正常使用。
// ==UserScript==
// @name UCAS SEP 系统自动教评
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.2.4
// @description UCAS的SEP系统自动教评,此脚本能够帮助您自动评价,支持课程评价与教师评价
// @author tylzh…