Adding a `required` decorator on a view model property results in an exception
export class EditStable{
reporter: any;
constructor() {
this.reporter = ValidationEngine…
As you can see I validate the md-value on a custom element. The renderer `md-validation-renderer.js` receives a parameter `node` which is an inst…
This is a specific issue and a broader issue working with Aurelia.
I find this to be a common issue. Not only with this release and module but with other modules as well. When an updated is published…
With the validationsample the require decorator is not working (simply seems to do nothing). Declaration ist
`@required lastName = 'Skywalker';`
with usage
requiered was imported with `import {re…
This is my code:
`import {inject} from "aurelia-framework";
import {DataRepo} from "./dataRepo";
import {Router} from "aurelia-router";
import {Validator} from 'aurelia-validatejs';
In this request is missing " after role
$ curl -i -X PUT http://localhost:3000/user/54228bf9c01c5fac19e227b6 --data '{"username":"name3", "affiliation": "org2", "role : "user"}' -H "Content-Type: app…
The ValidationError class is duplicated in both valiatejs and validation. We should remove it from validatejs and just have a single version in validation since it's part of the ValidationReporter int…
As opposed to the previous validation implementation, the new one needs an explicit `validate()` call to trigger reporter callbacks. It would be very inconvenient to validate manually. One could argue…
I'm not sure if this is a bug in aurelia and if it's a bug at all but `__metadata__` property is defined on object as enumerable so it's visible when enumerating over object and as a result in my case…
vit3k updated
8 years ago
This was a recurring issue with the previous aurelia validation library. Most people agree on using `aurelia-i18n` to handle this, which is indeed the best possible way.
Have this been taken into acc…