Thanks for this great library which fill up the gap in the world of python + excel.
My question is: how to find out date and time fields among floats? with xls and xlsx readers from Python, I was a…
backgroundColor: [
'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
Missing column with excel reader in nodejs. The column has a header name and many but not all blanks in the rows. I think this is because the xlsx package represents blanks as a missing key in the jso…
i am using the excel reader class. Is working fine but only with the .xls format. Now i want to read excel files with MS Office 2007 excel format i.e is .xlsx.
Please help for needfull..
i am using the excel reader class. Is working fine but only with the .xls format. Now i want to read excel files with MS Office 2007 excel format i.e is .xlsx.
Please help for needfull..
i am using the excel reader class. Is working fine but only with the .xls format. Now i want to read excel files with MS Office 2007 excel format i.e is .xlsx.
Please help for needfull..
i am using the excel reader class. Is working fine but only with the .xls format. Now i want to read excel files with MS Office 2007 excel format i.e is .xlsx.
Please help for needfull..
i am using the excel reader class. Is working fine but only with the .xls format. Now i want to read excel files with MS Office 2007 excel format i.e is .xlsx.
Please help for needfull..
i am using the excel reader class. Is working fine but only with the .xls format. Now i want to read excel files with MS Office 2007 excel format i.e is .xlsx.
Please help for needfull..
i am using the excel reader class. Is working fine but only with the .xls format. Now i want to read excel files with MS Office 2007 excel format i.e is .xlsx.
Please help for needfull..