I'm using the attached docker compose file [kafka.zip](https://github.com/confluentinc/kafka-images/files/7379320/kafka.zip), and these commands
docker swarm init
docker stack deploy --prune --wit…
## Expected Behavior
When the sequence zookeeper node counter overflows (as documented in: https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/r3.6.0/zookeeperProgrammers.html#Sequence+Nodes+--+Unique+Naming), …
Hi, In **HiBench-7.1.1/sparkbench/ml graph**,there is a dependency **org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper:3.4.5** that calls the risk method.
I'm following the AWS install at https://datahubproject.io/docs/deploy/aws/. I'm at the helm install step at https://datahubproject.io/docs/deploy/kubernetes.
I'm running the install but the install…
I deployed ClickHouse keeper using `clickhouse-operator` **0.24.0** with 3 nodes and a PVC.
Unfortunately ClickHouse Keeper is in Read-Only mode because it failed to write to the snapshot directory `…
I'd like to ensure that Zookeeper pods take priority over Solr pods, so that the ZK configuration is more likely to be available for Solr. I haven't seen a lot of how well newer versions of Solr behav…
**Issue Type:**
Bug report / question
Given that linkerd 1.x is in maintenance mode, I'm not sure how likely a bug fix is. At minimum this issue can help get confirmation of the issue, and help …
Discovery new services using Zookeeper.
At the beginning only handle ephemeral nodes (as it easier to detect removed services)
What is the proper way to use Sunspot with Zookeeper to get a connection to SolrCloud?
A link to the docs would be great. Thanks.