[Kotlin Multiplatform is now in beta](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform.html) and it is headed to become stable soon. Several libraries have already adopted KMP and have been publishing artifa…
Kotlin 1.8.22 をサポートした Compose Compiler 1.4.8 がリリースされています。
## Kind (Required)
- Improvement
## Overview (Required)
- I want to try Jetpack Compose on some screen. Since there is a problem with the version such as Android Studio, leave the pull reque…
I translated Green to Portuguese Brazilian on Transifex and I realized some strings was reverted from Portuguese to English again on Green 4.0.31.
Obs. The strings are translated on Transifex…
Compose Foundation 1.2.0-alpha05 では `LazyVerticalGrid` と `LazyHorizontalGrid` が stable になりました
Of course it would not be identical to Spotify but with this beautifully written with latest Android libraries lacks smoothness home & search fragments. Is this the cause of Jetpack Compose or about a…
CI: https://buildkite.com/bazel/bazel-at-head-plus-downstream/builds/3608#018d2ef4-1d2c-446b-a314-c133272f58d9
Platform: Ubuntu, MacOS
```ERROR: /var/lib/buildkite-agent/.cache/bazel/_…
Room 2.4.0 など。
Compose 系のライブラリも 1.1.0-rc01 が来ています
Compose 1.4.0, Activity 1.7.0 を始め、多くの安定版リリースがあります
Wear Compose 1.1.0, CameraX 1.2.0 など。