On my first install and run of this plugin _(with `{ debug: true }` on in our `.babelrc.js` file)_, I am getting a series of messages in the console and would like to find out more about what they mea…
automatically transform markdown to html and highlight code blocks / example:
readme: 'some markdown',
example: 'some code'
It could be useful to spawn an instance of the playground for a specific rust PR, especially for the more user-facing of changes.
Testing out and easily showing others, concrete changes to ergonom…
demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/kind-glitter-2mnht?file=/package.json:230-250
## The dependency [ember-cli-babel](https://github.com/babel/ember-cli-babel) was updated from `7.4.2` to `7.4.3`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/mirai-audio/ember-i18n-changeset-validat…
Any hopes or suggestions for use with Rollup?
**Current behavior:**
Hello! 👋
I'm trying to re-export `keyframes` from `@emotion/react` using the babel-plugin and it throws an error with: `transformer is not a function`.
**To repro…
Currently, given:
import { SOME_FLAG } from 'blah/features';
if (SOME_FLAG) {
With this config:
plugins: [
After installing `babel-plugin-styled-components` package in a React Native project, and having `plugins: ['babel-plugin-styled-components'],` in the Babel config, the `css` prop still does not work.
Maybe the conventions should more closely mirror that of Typescript declaration files...
Your react components have the same semantic objects as BEM almost exactly. We can add prop-types informatio…