## Observed vs. expected behavior
Using an IN clause with a single value on the right hand side creates an invalid predicate. Having two or more values is OK.
See example in the section below…
I'd like to extend `MapPath` methods providing something similar to ListPath.any(). First thing I did is creating an `@QueryDelegate` annotated static method:
public Page
### Informations
- **Qiskit version**: 0.26.2
- **Python version**: 3.9.5
- **Operating system**: Windows 11
### What is the current behavior?
It's showing :
Python 3.9.5 (d…
``` java
QLocationEntity l = QLocationEntity.locationEntity;
JPAQuery query = queryFactory.select(
tucek updated
3 years ago
While writing a test case for some predicate building code, I ran into this issue:
import com.querydsl.core.types.Ops;
import com.querydsl.core.types.dsl.BooleanExpression;
import com.queryd…
NetworkX recently released a new major version (NetworkX 2.0) that is not fully backward compatiable with NetworkX 1.X (see the [migration guide](https://networkx.github.io/documentation/stable/releas…
`ComparableExpressionBase`'s `public final Coalesce coalesce(Expression...exprs)` returns a `Coalesce`. `Coalesce` does not have `SimpleExpression`'s `public BooleanExpression eq(T right)` method, so …
- [x] flattern to arithmetic circuit format: x = y (+/*) z
- [ ] de/serialize FlatProg in file
xhliu updated
3 years ago
I have a following query method.
public Long count(BooleanExpression rulePredicate, BooleanExpression ruleChangePredicate) {
QRuleBean ruleBean = QRuleBean.ruleBean;