setUpDeveloperTools.js:73 Warning: componentWillReceiveProps has been renamed, and is not recommended for use. See https://fb.me/react-async-component-lifecycle-hooks for details.
* Move data fetch…
I am unable to get all the countries. The doc says that **getAllCountries()** will return the list of all countries but apparently, it's no longer present in the source code
Your `react-native-country-picker-modal` breaks whole application
import PhoneInput from 'react-native-phone-input';
import CountryPicker from 'react-native-country-picker-modal';
version -> "react-native-country-picker-modal": "^1.9.3"
![Screenshot at Nov 19 1-11-35 PM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16959810/69141778-22b43e80-0ace-11ea-88…
I need to know if there is a way to get country code without tapping on CountryPicker. In our app we need to know country code even when a user set his phone number without changing the default…
this.myCountryPicker = ref;
onSelect={country => {
## Unable to detect react-native-phone-input component
We use PhoneInput from the react-native-phone-input package ( https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-phone-input ) and it seems like the tes…
Can i design my own button to call `country-picker-modal` ?
Hi... I don't know if I don't have good configured the library but is not working as espected
How we could do it with latest version? With old version we just put this custom component as CountryPicker children..