It looks like v8go does not support ES Modules. For example, I translated the Context example to use modules:
package main
import (
func main() {
ctx, _…
Currently the `module` field on `package.json` points to `src/simpla.js` but really it should point to a separate build, that's been transpiled, but not bundled. This means that whatever module bundli…
when I try to use mapshaper in my React vite app, I get this error message
__vite-browser-external:crypto:3 Uncaught Error: Module "crypto" has been externalized for browser compatibility. C…
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module node_modules\bad-words\dist\index.js from \dist\schedules\transactions.scheduler.js not supported.
index.js is treated as an ES module file as it …
Hello, When bundling this library with rollup it throws an error because `Geometry` is being declared *after* it's being called. This is due to circular dependencies that the current commonjs format d…
# CommonJS和ES Modules
## 导出的差异
`ES Modules`是对**值对引用**
## 准备
Npm 下载webpack@5.0.0-beta.26和webpack-cli@bate
it would be great if the buy sdk would provide individualized es modules, rather than a big ol bundle like currently with [index.es.js](https://unpkg.com/shopify-buy@2.5.0/index.es.js)
i'd like to …
Hello. I'm trying to use `redux-actions` in Polymer 3 project with module imports (without any browserify compilation), but `redux-actions` depends on some libraries, that doesn't provide module expor…
ES Modules complicate things because you can't define the same function twice.
So it would be better to make ES Module optional, importing modules is an advanced feature anyway.
So the task is to …
I'm trying to use the following snippet to load the ES module package, which loads all of its dependencies using ES modules and bare module specifiers: