``` ruby
time = Benchmark.measure { t.ordered_member_ids }
=> #
It take Fedora about 2.4s to respond to this request, so the remaining 14s is parsing/loading. For this particular example there a…
Caused by this line: https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/curation_concerns/blob/master/curation_concerns-models/app/actors/curation_concerns/work_actor_behavior.rb#L45
in active-fedora-9.3.0/lib/act…
Currently, you can find the containers associated with an Object or Collection by looking in ldp:contains. You can then look at the ldp:hasMemberRelation to determine the use of the container.
A philosophical question came up during a discussion for PR https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/hydra-works/pull/161 specifically asking whether a generic file should be allowed to aggregate other ge…
ERA object https://era.library.ualberta.ca/files/4m90dw12j contains a very long isVersionOf (10065 characters, 10069 bytes) with several ciatations in the same field and is not being displayed in the …
The Sufia/Hydra-Collections structure of keeping member_ids on the ActiveFedora object doesn't work for large collection such as the Theses collection. The access to the object (read or write) is time…
In add_collection_spec, test 'should solrize member ids' fails
expect(subject.to_solr["generic_works_ssim"]).to include(generic_work1.id,generic_work2.id)
$ curl -H 'Accept: text/turtle' http://fedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin@
@prefix premis: .
I want to have the equivalent of a pcdm:File, but not maintain it in the repository. Instead it is maintained by an external system, such as a IIIF Image server. Use case: Building out the structure…
In Sufia when a `Work` is associated to an `UploadSet` the relationship is
This looks backwards. Shouldn't the relationship be
This would reflect better than an `UploadSet`…