Unable to export. Goes straight to crashing.
_From [zhao...@google.com](https://code.google.com/u/106321947286816917100/) on October 16, 2012 16:16:24_
[ RUN ] SpdyProxyClientSocketSpdy2Test.ConnectSendsCorrectRequest
~~Dr.M~~ Err…
I tried to drag a scaled layer and it's freaking out. screenScaleX doesn't seem to be a property?
Now that prototyping for multiple device widths is going to be more common, it would be great to be able to define sizes relative to the selected device's content frame in Framer Studio. Effectively a…
Framer Studio result:
If I have a multiple windows of Sketch open, the importer fails and says "Sketch Framer found some errors". I have to close all other windows in sketch for it to work properly. Ideally, I could leave …