For some of these I have no idea why labs finds a wrong record.
Also listed in https://app.asana.com/0/3003451971699/620773521680386
Each example is given as
recid:[recid] (type of record)
### 类型
### 网站地址
### 网站描述
几乎所有的做(理论)物理(如高能、引力)的人都需要使用的文献网站, 之前该网站有rss订阅功能, 但升级后不再支持rss订阅
### 需要生成什么内容?
可以对搜索结果进行订阅, 以及可以追踪某个作者的最近文章
### 额外描述
_No re…
## Problem
Invenio the software is adopted by several services at CERN and around, that are building on top of it additional functionalities (e.g. in the form of additional Invenio components). Some …
In officially published _ReScience C_ articles, I see a _Number:_ field with a value such as #1 or #2 instead of a page number, e.g.
Which one is the accuracy in this case?
Epoch 1/10
6072/6072 [==============================] - 110s 18ms/step - loss: 0.6284 - top_k_categorical_accuracy: 1.0000 - val_loss: 0.5469 - val_top_k_cate…
Hi there!
I wonder if it might be possible to add to all records an automatically generated link to the inspire search for papers referencing them? I remember seeing this in one of the CMS Open Da…
We need to map Data to JSONSchema
- [ ] design proper JSONSchema (possibly compatible with hep.json)
- [ ] implement dojson rules for porting from legacy.
We have to set the author JSONSchema, currently we do it in airflow but it's wrong.
- [x] Remove the `set_schema` task from airflow [here](https://github.com/inspirehep/backoffice/blo…
Currently, we're adding keywords extracted by `invenio-classifier` in the article workflows to Literature records. These are only temporary, and are supposed to be later replaced by manually assigned …
Spawned by:
We need to find a tidy way for running the `python manage.py opensearch index create` command in all our environments:
- locally
- gi…