Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
These need URLs and references. I am putting this on @dfm although I feel a little bit responsibility-shirking when I do that.
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
I have changed the input data in the following ways:
1. There are no NAs in y
2. Several variables with large values have been normalized. Anything with a value between 1 and 0 I left alone.
3. I chan…
This file is empty: https://github.com/andrewcparnell/jags_examples/blob/master/R%20Code/jags_moving_average.R
It's not critical for me, but I just wanted to give you a heads up. Great repository.
Hi Rob-
I noticed that the chains are not independent. Another potential issue is that the functionality of `ncommands` and `nchains` is unclear. Both appear to run n instances of the same chain, b…