This is how I fixed this issue where Zygisk would randomly disable on its when Lsposed is installed. What worked was rolling back to Magisk 27007 and installing [this modded version of lsposed](https…
SoC: Helio G96
Magisk Version: 26.4
Installed Modules:
- LSPosed Zygisk
- Theme
- AoD
- Security
- Gallery
Does this work with Google Messages app? Should I select it in Lsposed?
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn‘t find class “androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory“
model: MI4LTE(cancro)
OS: nitrogen_cancro-9-PQ1A.181205.006
Android version: 9
Xposed: L…
Is this a problem? Using Lsposed
Some say this is due to the module being developed for Lspatch and not Lsposed, which there are some differences.
While I'm developing a test module for Xposed (EdXPosed), I found an app which use XposedDetector for clear my hooks.
I opened an issue on https://github.com/LSPosed/LSPosed/issues/269 and https://gi…
ghost updated
3 years ago
我换了2个手机测试了一下正常运作模块下原版可以正常解锁 但是复制出的网易云无法正常使用解锁功能其他的功能又是正常运作的
untll updated
3 years ago
### 复现步骤
### 预期行为
### 实际行为
没有反应。切换show IME in window按钮也没有效果。
### Xposed 框架
1.8gen1支持双频热点,有些智能设备也需要2.4g 能否配置里面兼容 双频模式
2.热点能否加入 静态ip支持 ,目前重启后ip会变
My device bug. Sometimes device reboot
----part 1 start----
[ 2023-02-02T13:05:56.955 1000: 1609: 1609 I/LSPosed-Bridge ] Loading module com.thinkdifferent.anywebview from /data/ap…