**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/Red_Squirrel/manga-downloader/issues/19) by Emiel Koch (Bitbucket: [EmielDX](https://bitbucket.org/EmielDX), ).**
![2018-03-10 12_13_41-free manga downloader](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17843605/37238617-dab59ca4-245c-11e8-801e-e97b5748d29d.jpg)
I always got these after updating my Mangadex from t…
"Update (10-Feb) Notice: Using Free Manga Downloader to download images may result in your IP being banned because of the abnormal number of hits to the site, due to the way they have implemented thei…
Upgraded to the newest version to try it out on the newest site, but it's not going well.
First, updating the manga list 'from server' returns a 404. Using the first update option works, although w…