===> Testing: Temp::Path:ver('1.001001')
Testing with plugin: Zef::Service::TAP+{}
t/01-make-temp-path.t .. ok
t/02-make-temp-dir.t ... ok
t/03-DESTROY.t ......... All 4 subtests passed
It would be nice if we added:
gc-heap-size-committed - Today we show the number of allocated bytes, but the GC commits more than it allocates, sometimes substantially so. This would help identify w…
Is there a link to the document anywere?
> perl6 -Ilib -MGrammar::Generative -e 'grammar G { }'
(no output)
> perl6 -Ilib -MGrammar::Generative -e 'grammar G { token TOP { . } }'
Segmentation fault
> strace perl6 -Ilib -MGrammar::Generativ…
If you kill notify-push-client.py with ctrl c, bad things happen
Fatal write error on socket transport
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python…
I believe the first eval needs to throw just like the second does:
m: BEGIN '/tmp/dyncall'.IO.mkdir.add('DYN.pm6').spurt: 「sub EXPORT { Map.new: ('$meows' => 'foos', '&foo' => sub { CALLER:: …
For Apache Yetus (http://yetus.apache.org), we use bash sourcing as a plug-in mechanism. This often means doing things that are the equivalent of:
for x in *; do
. $x
There are a few things …
While installing with zef i get this message:
===> Staging Term::termios:ver
Saw 1 occurrence of deprecated code.
Seems to me there's no ambiguity between object hash and Block constructor and so you should always get a Hash or syntax/odd-number-of-items errors instead:
Normally, you get this useful error if you accidentally use `$.x` instead of `$!x` inside **submethod** `BUILD`:
m: class Foo { has $.x; submethod BUILD (:$.x) {} }.new: :x
rakudo-moar 5f3579…