jdk版本 17 ,mybatis-flex的版本是1.8.9
2:59.906+08:00 DEBUG 4520 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] c.r.u.t.m.m.L.selectOneById : ==> Preparing: SELECT * FROM `t_lark_task_1` WHERE `id` = ?
_____ __
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- [ ] I have searched the [issues](https://github.com/seata/seata/issues) of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate.
### Ⅰ. Issue Description
### Ⅱ. Describe what happened
`public long count() {
this.resultType = ResultType.COUNT;
if (commandExecutor!=null) {
return (Long) commandExecutor.execute(this);
return executeCount(Context.getComma…
**Bug Description**
taos-jdbcdriver是3.3.0 对于BigDecimal类型数据,查询没有问题,插入会报错,如下:
**To Reproduce**
Caused by: org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeException: Could not set parameters for mapping: ParameterMappin…
这篇文章我们来学习如何使用Spring Boot集成Apache Shiro。安全应该是互联网公司的一道生命线,几乎任何的公司都会涉及到这方面的需求。在Java领域一般有Spring Security、Apache Shiro等安全框架,但是由于Sprin…
ERROR Druid-ConnectionPool-Create-17798743 (Log4j2Impl.java:53) - create connection error, url: jdbc:mysql://***.***.***.**:3306/databases
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Com…
1. 一致性哈希算法原理与实现
2. redis单线程和持久化
3. socket编程
4. 自己实现quartz
5. dubbo 作者实现的简易RPC http://javatar.iteye.com/blog/1123915
6. Redis Sentinel 机制 http://redis.io/topics/sentinel
7. 发现一个比较好的技术博客 http://javarevi…
: not founde-start.sh: 2: /home/plat/dhorse-v1.4.2-bin/bin/server.sh:
: not founde-start.sh: 5: /home/plat/dhorse-v1.4.2-bin/bi…
## XA Transaction missing the data source
my version of project
sharding-jdbc : 3.1.0
springboot : 2.1.2.RELEASE
dataSource : HikariCP 2.7.8
i want to test sharding tran…