Can't believe that nobody has complained yet. I'm trying to run my OrmExtension. I'm not sure if I understand the problem correctly, but I think there are 2 issues/BC breaks.:
hrach updated
9 years ago
Example: [Nextras\Orm\Repository\Repository](https://github.com/nextras/orm/blob/7885295e3b6a3bfc92b52db96eeb4bc0da9a0a23/src/Repository/Repository.php#L40-L41) defines many events, such as `onAfterIn…
Currently, typing some property as datetime has magic behavior: it automatically adds DateTimePropertyContainer.
- http://nextras.cz/orm/docs/master/entity
- https://github.com/nextras/orm/blob/72fe6a…
hrach updated
9 years ago
-- FAILED: unit\services\xxxServiceTest.phpt [method=testBasicQuestionare]
Exited with error code 255 (expected 0)
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in xxx\vendor\n…
hrach updated
9 years ago
Currently, there is Nette Database, which is pretty good, but there are some missing parts. Like bulding more robust query (with manual joins), etc. I'm thinking about replacing Nette\Database.
What …
hrach updated
9 years ago
some f\* regression appeared.
hrach updated
9 years ago
So. Yeah. Is there a documentation yet? If not, can I help documenting this lib? Is there a private draft or something? Since the 1.0 is in beta for quite a while now. I think it's somewhat past the t…
Kvůli indexovaní uzavřených zdrojů jako edux je potřeba omezit přístup na studenty / zaměstnance FIT ČVUT.
Buď to jde udělat přes školní shibboleth (což se některým lidem nelíbilo kvůli závislosti na…
Would be very useful when adding `@dataprovider` would still run test methods separately. Or, at least, it could create new testcase instance.
hrach updated
10 years ago
Koukám, že v [composer.json](https://github.com/Clevis/Skeleton/blob/v2.2/composer.json#L21) je vyžadováno PHP 5.5. Rozumím tomu tedy dobře, že již nepíšeme PHP 5.4 kompatibilní kód? Není to trochu př…