➜ os-rust nasm -f elf64 multiboot_header.asm
nasm: fatal: unrecognised output format 'elf64' - use -hf for a list
This is the error I get when going through part one of your tutorial when t…
This is the only major roadblock preventing a port to Linux. http://mediawiki.gnustep.org/index.php/Writing_portable_code#Porting_from_Cocoa_or_OPENSTEP_.28NS.2A.29_to_GNUstep
I couldn't get mod-pbxproj working and have tracked it down to being a problem with the calls to `future.standard_library.install_aliases()` in openstep-parser. Running the following test script:
As mentioned in a issues before, the library throws a Exception while parsing the project if it contains any non ascii characters.
For instance if it would use german special characters like "ä", "ö"…
CBLDocument has a `-mutableCopyWithZone:` method, but isn't declared as conforming to NSMutableCopying. I'm not sure what actual difference it makes, but it seems like a good idea to declare this.
File "/Users/zhoujinyu/Documents/QQCode/mod_project_test/pbxproj/openstep_parser/openstep_parser.py", line 148, in _parse_literal
key += str[index]
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't deco…
I got as far as `make install`, then this error.
[luser@centos Frameworks]$ make && make install
GNUmakefile:4: /common.make: No such file or directory
GNUmakefile:14: /aggregate.make: No su…
I'm using mod-pbxproj to manipulate an Xcode project file generated by Unity. In the script it removes a file from the project then adds some others, but it's raising the exception when it tries to a…
Adding in new software is a complicated process. Have you though of breaking it up?
Under the DietPi Folder make a software folder. Under that make a folder for each application using …
This one is a crash that has been easy to trigger in journald. Also, it is consistent with the steps I produce. In my use case, on the following machine, just building the kernel leads to intense memo…