**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**Steps to Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to '...'
2. Click on '....'
3. Scroll down to '....'
A feature similar to discord's message collector, that can collect the message based on conditions and for a specified time, that way you can keep a dialog alive with certain users, expecting for issu…
The proposed libraries that will be moving to peer dependency in an upcoming minor version are:
- puppeteer (replaced with puppeteer-core)
- sharp
- ffmpeg-fluent
launch logs:
- [x] `navigating to web page`
- [x] `setting up the browser`
- [x] `starting: version VERSION_NUMBER`
- [x] `found existing session data`
- [x] `injecting session data`
- [x] allow…
When i try to post api using Postman Error has been received,
send video as sticker from gif or video url
Every run its will log
Started ffmpeg -f mp4 -i pipe:0 -y -vcodec libwebp -vf crop=w='min(min(iw,ih),500)':h='min(min(iw,ih),500)'…
I'm trying to get the group photo with "chat.contact.profilePicThumbObj.eurl" to display it with the description, but since version 3.1.13 it's returning me undefined/empty.
When I change viewport height size on startup, it brings more profiles pics
pic of chat item that has this problem
Does anyone know how to get the media in a replied message.
CLIENT.onMessage(message => {
if (message['quotedMsgBody'].mim…