`"By default, we suppose you are already familiar with the startup and deployment of radon by standalone mode".`
Where is the standalone mode guide?
2.1.1 将允许镜像名称包含 scheme,具体来说,镜像仓库密钥地址包含以下两种情况。
1. 不带scheme
例如: `dockerhub.qingcloud.com`
在这种情况下前端无需特殊处理,镜像名称可能为 `dockerhub.qingcloud.com/runzexia/hello:latest`
2. https/http
例如 `https://dockerhu…
:) qsctl mb xuanwo-qsctl-test-2 -z pek3b
Error: Failed CreateStorageTask {Service: qingstor Service {Host: qingstor.com, Port: 443, Protocol: https, AccessKey: xxxx}}: {Operation failed via unha…
我使用docker compose 安装的openpitrix,测试WordPress的vm安装方式,测试部署到青云,但是报错,报错信息如下:
内部错误: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure, latest connection error: connection error: d…
Provide set up/ getting started guide for deploying Clear Linux on QingCloud
**Should the new document be a guide, a reference, or a tutorial?**
Recommend a type of document, based on the structur…
1.第一次安装,按照文档设置 auto,qingcloud已自动创建 eip, 但是ks返回为空
2.重新安装,设置为固定eIP, ks lb 返回为空
3.删除 service.beta.kubernetes.io/qingcloud-load-balancer-eip-ids这条注解,新增 service.beta.kubernetes.io/qingcloud-load-balancer…
**Describe the bug(描述下问题)**
push an image to QingCloud Docker Hub, but not found this image by kubesphere image search
Source cluster:
`Harbor 1.9.3 - QingCloud 1.9.0.RC1` with local storage
Target cluste…
版本 `Harbor 1.9.3 - QingCloud 1.9.0.RC1`
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[备注]: (请说明节点的运行环境,是否是物理机,云主机,VMware虚拟机)
qingcloud-csi 出现这个event,导致qingcloud-csi…