Hi there,
I've seen there's a [Kotlin / QueryDSL example](https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin-examples/tree/master/gradle/kotlin-querydsl) in the repo. Would you be interested in a Kotlin / jOOQ ex…
**[XhstormR](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=xhstormr)** opened **[DATACMNS-1546](https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATACMNS-1546?redirect=false)** and commented
I have a Repository c…
## Observed vs. expected behavior
After upgrading to Spring Boot 3, usage of the HibernateQueryFactory results in a ClassNotFoundException being thrown.
Using Spring Boot 2.7.6 (Hibernate 5), it w…
# kotlin gradle에서 queryDSL 설정하기
kotlin gradle에서 QueryDSL을 설정했던 내용을 기록으로 남깁니다.
Is it possible to query by relationship (using spring-data-mongodb)?
I've an Item Model and an Item belongs to a Category. I would like to query the items by category.id=={id}.
I already added these…
In version 0.9.8, one could use querydsl without having Hibernate Search. In version 0.11.1, there is now a @org.hibernate.search.annotations.Field on fr.openwide.core.jpa.business.generic.model.Gener…
- [X] Entity
- [X] Repository
- [X] Service
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- [x] 사용자의 현재 위치에서 가까운 편의점 리스트 가져오기
- [X] Controller