### Data Owner Name
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
### What is your role related to the dataset
Data Preparer
### Data Owner Country/Region
United States
### Data Owner Industry
IT & Tech…
Did new compile acording to:
Debug listing:
2024-08-26 20:29:01.382 (I) SDRangel 7.22.0-2-…
I ran crystalball for one direction and then used model list with cubical as follows. There was no error in cubical, but then wsclean is failing for a given model data column.
I'm using SKIRT in combination with Cloudy and I want to make sure that the dust model I select in each are as close to each other as possible. In Cloudy, I select **grains ISM**, for…
I hope this is the right place to put this?
complete build.log
`^[[32;01m \* ^[[39;49;00mPackage: net-print/brother-genml1-bin-3.1.0-r1
^[[32;01m \* ^[[39;49;00mRepository: brother-overlay
bdika updated
8 years ago
### Data Owner Name
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
### What is your role related to the dataset
Data Preparer
### Data Owner Country/Region
United States
### Data Owner Industr…
Processing a MS with 2347 unique timeslots, 1024 channels. The relevant parset options are:
--model-list = MODEL_DATA:DIR1:DIR2:DIR3:DIR4
--data-time-chunk = 720
--data-freq-chunk = 256
[[DataCap Application] National Radio Astronomy Observatory](https://github.com/filecoin-project/filecoin-plus-large-datasets/issues/2260#top)
The robot is not working,Notary cannot sign in …
I'm adding a news section in Mobile Celestia (iOS(Mac via Catalyst)/Android), this feature will include two parts
1. When Celestia is launched, the latest news will be shown to the user (if the use…
**Submitting author:** @nicokurtovic (Nicolas Kurtovic)
**Repository:** https://github.com/nicokurtovic/SIMIO
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch): main
**Version:** 1.2
**Editor:** @iva…