Hi @ all,
habe mich dazu durchgerungen dieses tolle Projekt zu starten und muss sagen das ich vorne und hinten nicht klar komme.
Ich bekomme die Jukebox einfach nicht installiert. Dazu habe ich je…
GMZ87 updated
4 years ago
Guten Abend,
ich versuche seit mehreren Stunden eine 2 Phoniebox aufzusetzen doch leider vergebens.
Ich nutzte einen Rapsberry Pi 3b+ mit Rasbian Buster desktop (habe es auch schon mit der Lite ve…
C#开发者有相当多一部分是开发企业应用的,Blazor可能为传统企业应用的互联网转型带来非常好的一条途径。然而,企业应用中非常重的一部分功能需要调用客户机的资源,而Electron则是个很好的解决方案。Asp.NetCore WebApi + Blazor + Electron,是理想的“三宝”组合。所以,非常希望微软开发一个的.NetCore版的Electron。
I have a NodeMCU connect to my wifi network. I have configured the pins for a RC522 scanner. I double checked to make sure all pins are correct.
When I select users, and scan a rfid tag, nothing ha…
Hi @Shashank2406 ,
I have tried your plugin. It works for barcodes. I have a few improvements for your `Readme.md`-file. I'm using the plugin with ionic 4 beta. So there are slide changes, but in g…
Would be nice to have support for rfid-scanner and ID management. If the box is in jukebox mode it would give easy access to the media collection eg for kids.
Functionality needed:
* Scan a RFID …
I posted on the SparkFun forum about how my RFID module recently started reporting `-1-1-1-1-1-1`. After some debugging, it seems that when the module is first powered on, it starts reporting `000000`…
Makerspace and IT Infrastructure
How to Guide: Research, Research, Research
Makerspace: Build specific requirements from vision and goals, visit other makerspaces for inspiration
## User Story
As a SafeSweeper operator, I want to be reinforced that the RFID module will be soldered in place to ensure that even in the roughest conditions the reader won't fall off.
## Accepta…
I am making an embedded system on Raspberry Pi 3 where I'm keeping track of arrivals of employees to work. I have two databases, one to store data about arrivals (RFID, time of arrival, etc.…