when i run `npx package-check`, `check failed: No Unnecessary Files`shows a link, but the link doesn't point to the 'files' part, it doesn't exist in the 'https://docs.skypack.dev/package-authors/pack…
The Mapbox GL JS library is currently bundled rather than imported. This is done for two reasons:
1. The Svelte REPL imports the latest version of dependencies rather than the versions in the packa…
`import { Text, View } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/react-native-web";`
Shows in console:
`Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '/-/fbjs@v3.0.0-uRXtD519Hzu2In8XmTya/dist=es2020,mode=impor…
My team noticed one of our applications failing today and the issue is that Skypack is returning the latest version of React and not respecting the version designation on the URI (e.g. `@^16.13.1`).
### 思考点
- exports = module.exports
- exports.name => export const name 具名
- exports {} => export default
### 伪代码
var $esm = {
exports: {}
;(function (module, exports) {
Hi, I've been trying to get `remark-parse` to build with skypack and it seems to be failing in a couple of ways. I managed to get this to work using skypack a few weeks ago, but have lost the pinned U…
What about a `tree-shake` parameter in an import so that it only imports what is needed?
import { render, parse } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/eta?tree-shake=render,parse";
And it w…
I've been using `htm` for a while now (it's awesome btw), every once in a while though I switch back from a project using JSX and end up writing `` instead of `` or `` instead of ``.
It is sometime…
Run deno run -A https://deno.land/x/udd/main.ts deps.ts *.ts '*/*.ts' '*.json'
deno run -A https://deno.land/x/udd/main.ts deps.ts *.ts '*/*.ts' '*.json'
shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0}
I'm not 100% sure, but doesn't this meant that the CORS policy on the CDN itself is wrong?
Access to script at 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/-/@pixi/text@v6.0.2-uVh8V9loC8gHOm5xAUtX/dist=es2020,mod…