I cannot authenticate with a hotmail address using JavaMail. I verified that I
can connect to smtp.live.com via telnet port 587. If I change:
host = "smtp.gmail.com" t.connect(host, username, pa…
I cannot authenticate with a hotmail address using JavaMail. I verified that I
can connect to smtp.live.com via telnet port 587. If I change:
host = "smtp.gmail.com" t.connect(host, username, pa…
I cannot authenticate with a hotmail address using JavaMail. I verified that I
can connect to smtp.live.com via telnet port 587. If I change:
host = "smtp.gmail.com" t.connect(host, username, pa…
I cannot authenticate with a hotmail address using JavaMail. I verified that I
can connect to smtp.live.com via telnet port 587. If I change:
host = "smtp.gmail.com" t.connect(host, username, pa…
I cannot authenticate with a hotmail address using JavaMail. I verified that I
can connect to smtp.live.com via telnet port 587. If I change:
host = "smtp.gmail.com" t.connect(host, username, pa…
I cannot authenticate with a hotmail address using JavaMail. I verified that I
can connect to smtp.live.com via telnet port 587. If I change:
host = "smtp.gmail.com" t.connect(host, username, pa…
I cannot authenticate with a hotmail address using JavaMail. I verified that I
can connect to smtp.live.com via telnet port 587. If I change:
host = "smtp.gmail.com" t.connect(host, username, pa…
when I include the line SSL = TRUE it changes port, how do I use STARTTLS ?
Mail settings page says
Server name: smtp.office365.com
Port: 587
Encryption method: STARTTLS
No settings on this acco…
I would like to receive email updates from my OT-2 when it is done with a run in Jupyter Notebook mode.
To do so I created a gmail account for my OT-2, not used for anything else. Using Python's s…
How to reproduce:
php version
PHP 7.2.9-1+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 (cli) (built: Aug 19 2018 07:16:12) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 19…