Speeduino-M5x-PCBs/m50,m40,m60 Pnp/Base Tunes/202103/BMW_M50TU_PnP.msq
I believe the Trigger Angle of 276 is incorrect. This is M50NV angle.
M50TU uses later trigger wheel, so it should match M…
A quicker way to get to a minimum viable product (MVP) would be to add riscv support to Speeduino and/or Rusefi.
This all…
In 202008 release (and in current master) the VVT output gets stuck at 100% duty in open and closed loop modes. And on on/off mode the output gets stuck at 0% duty. The duty gauge in TS works as it sh…
Are there any forum threads/build threads with updates? How is it going?
I'm trying to make my own ECU with STM32F411 and I came across a small issue
analog input pinO2 = A8 and pinFuelPump = PA8 basically reference the same pin? Or am I mistaken?
Could the pinFue…
I am getting the following error...
speeduino % pio run
Processing esp32 (platform: https://github.com/platformio/platform-espressif32.git#feature/arduino-upstream; board: esp32dev; framework: …
Can we use an advanced barometric sensor like bmp280 instead of mpx?
Hi, I would like to add to the INI parser (both `parser/ini.ts` and `types/config.ts`) but it would be easier to do if they resided in a seperate package.
I could seperate them myself (of course) b…
I was super excited about the new firmware and the updates to VVT. Unfortunately, there’s a bug that prevents the closed loop VVT from working AT ALL.
The new code allows you to designated the cam…