I've read the documentation and I can't see anything for this, so I thought I'd raise it as an issue. In our case, a modular boilerplate/framework we maintain uses spritesmith as part of the Grunt set…
Both ImageMagick and Phantom JS are installed via brew. But I'm not getting spritesmith to see either of them.
sprite: {
all: {
src: '/sprites/*.{png,jpg,g…
In order to support non-disk usage, spritesmith would need to support buffer input instead of filepaths.
Component PRs:
- https://github.com/twolfson/pixelsmith/pull/4
- https://github.com/twolfson/c…
Then I use npm install spritesmith everything works like a charm. But then I try to install it as dependency then it, for some reason, tried to also install all modules from optionalDependencies ( htt…
When I cut icon images align it's boundary, and then found display problems on some android devices browser.
The sprite image looks like this: (dark area means padding of spritesmith)
Getting the following error running the example config (with my proper paths setup of course):
all: {
src: 'path/to/your/sprites/*.png',
destImg: 'destination/…
Once Ensighten/spritesmith#10 is fixed, add the option for phantomjs to the engines and to the README.
As brought up in #12 -- task seems to be failing when there are no files present.
The expected behavior is for an empty image (or file) to be created.
In order to make sprites responsive, the following prerequisites would be required:
1. All individual icons need to be of equal size, e.g. 200px x 200px.
2. The sprites need to be ordered `algorit…
I've read that `grunt-spritesmith` should work with `grunt-newer`, but it seems that there are some issues with it or I'm missing something.
Spritesmith task:
``` coffee
module.exports = ->