Now that a couple of functions, such as `ctrlspace#api#Statusline()` went public, how about making the function that gives the current project root public? Useful for autocmds that automatically switc…
Hi guys, since I'm relatively new to Neovim(and this statusline plugin), I don't know how to describe the problem, but here's an image:
I'm trying to use the OneDark colorscheme. I'm not sure what's wrong but the colorscheme is always inverted for the folder path and the statusline.
### Steps to reproduce
1. create test.vim
call plug#begin(has('nvim') ? stdpath('data') . '/plugged' : '~/vimfiles/plugged')
Plug 'https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim.git'
call plug#en…
Really love goyo(and limelight). What would be really nice IMO would be a small indicator, maybe just a '*" in a corner(or centered above or below) to indicate if the current buffer is saved/unsaved. …
Stack versions:
OS: Manjaro i3 17.1.1
GTK: 3.22.26+47+g3a1a7135a2-3
Neovim: v0.2.3-385-gb616ef9b2
Neovim-GTK: master
Minimal setup:
``` viml
set showtabline=2
### Feature already in Vim?
### Feature description
Let's start with an example, save the following to a file:
set laststatus=2
set fillchars=stl:-
function My_neat_stl()
ndavd updated
3 years ago
### Steps to reproduce
1. put the following in .vimrc
set laststatus=2
set statusline=%{mode(1)}
2. launch vim
3. try to invoke the operator pending mode, such as yiw, daw, etc.
Micro, in my opinion, is probably the best TUI editor for beginners. It, however, lacks one very useful feature that was present in `mc`, `mcedit` and some other apps and does help beginners a lot: dr…
I was looking for how to disable the lightbulb in the statusline here: https://nvimdev.github.io/lspsaga/lightbulb/
But I was unsure what key should be used in the config. I discovered that I could…