After upgrading from Kibana 5.6 to Kibana 6 (and ElasticSearch), I can't create an index pattern. In the chrome console : "Cannot read property 'indexPatterns' of undefined" when clicking on "Create".…
- 公司/学校:Tongji University
- 工作内容/专业:Software Engineering
- 常浏览的国外网站:GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, Google, Stack Overflow, Medium, ...
- 英语水平:TOEFL 93, CET-6 517
- 有无翻译经验:None
- 个人博客:Null
- 个人介绍:A C…
I followed exactly the example code. It works for resource type `url` but does not work for `file`. I dragged a file from my computer into the AVD and it says that the file is stored in `/sdcard/Downl…
ld234 updated
6 years ago
- 公司/学校:Cushing Academy, MA, USA
- 工作内容/专业:目前高中,未来可能Computer Science专业
- 常浏览的国外网站:Youtube, Google, Vimeo, Videocopilot, Github(还有很多)
- 英语水平:TOEFL:103 SSAT:2196
- 有无翻译经验:无
- 个人博客:无
- 个人介绍:我在美国留学,…
- 口语水平怎么提高?
- 口语怎么练?
- 如何提高阅读水平?
- 如何提高听力水平?
- 如何提高英语表达能力?
- 程序员如何学英语?
- 学好英语重要吗?
- [每日一读](https://github.com/ShannonChenCHN/eureka/issues/68)
- [每日一说]()
- 公司/学校:北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
- 工作内容/专业:计算机科学&经济学 双专业 (Major in Computer Science & Economics 2nd Major)
- 常浏览的国外网站:Google, GitHub, Codeforces, Stack Overflow, Tw…
#### 为什么要抄写?
- 练习英语表达能力
- 练习英语语感
#### 抄写什么?
- [李笑来:TOEFL iBT 高分作文](http://zhibimo.com/read/xiaolai/twe185/)
#### 如何抄写?
- 先读两遍,总结大纲
- 查词典
- 记笔记
- 抄写
#### 如何练习写作?
- 列大纲,落实到**具体细节**,查词典
I have included navbar.html to my layout.html and created block inside navbar.html. Then other page inherited from layout and I try to override these blocks, they don't work. Then I copied navbar and…