Here is a rough outline of simple data structure articles. They are language agnostic, but it's better to provide some example implementation of functionalities in Java or Python 3.
It should be made…
1. Collection中的数字类型是否要选用[decimal.Decimal](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/blob/master/decimal.go#L71)来表示,会不会对性能有影响,有没更好的选择?
2. Collection是否要设计成immutable
As a NOC screen, I want to display a status page without logging in so that when I boot up, I load a URL and the desired page loads.
Add a command line param `-permittedIPs ",192.168.8…
I admit, i haven't tried it. But looking at the code it seems to be doing case-sensitive searching.
Imagine i put a bunch of files paths in the trie with structures like:
With 10.1, we have all URLs classified against their responsible entities. It's now easy to identify a 1P/3P URL and understand who it belongs to. It would be good to provide further visibility into w…
Applies to both inference rules and latex expressions
The autocomplete feature is useful for typing in CLI; not clear how to enable for web interface.
Current implementation composes a proof with an actual value in it.
Thus proof grows larger as the value does.
We can optimize this by taking hash of value only.
This may be important for future OTU picking in QIIME 2. [marisa-trie](https://github.com/kmike/marisa-trie).
I made copypasta of the ChurchPrime parser in the VentureScript parser to get the latter working as quickly as possible without requiring changes to the ChurchPrime parser. But now much of that copyp…
### What happened?
When we use remote typeahead option to get an ordered dataset from the server by input value, seems that suggestions pop up randomly whenever the input text matches the value, ho…