This happens when clicking stuff on and off.
![screen shot 2014-06-19 at 10 59 20 am 2](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1913857/3328994/6352cf44-f7c2-11e3-9cf8-1d45993ab11a.png)
IMO, would be great if we had a `/etc/greetd/tuigreet.toml` config file alongside running with args.
Options line gets too long and ugly very quickly, managing config file could be easier
Issue created from [fantomas-online](https://fsprojects.github.io/fantomas-tools/#/fantomas/preview?data=N4KABGBEDGD2AmBTSAuKAXAngB0WAKogM7oAiAhuuQOKIB2iATpbI0QBQCUYAvADqM%2BdCBBKUAltDAAbROjDlp0gMIA…
On mobile, it looks like this for me currently:
Pixels aren't square; some are tall, some are wide.
Look at…
The logo is really ugly. Even though we would have removed it this wouldn't help me much to forget this shit. Please make me unsee it.
it's just white and the other one is gray. Can we change that? Backgrounds are in the `styles.css` file.
### Problem
- The table widget often looks ugly. Can we do better ?
'invoeren provider map'
*From* https://collections.biodiversiteitsportaal.dev.sv…