Would it be possible to view a point cloud with the WebGL renderer? At the moment it only takes a TopoDS_Shape as an argument
# Maxime Euzière
### Increasing access
This would mean that transformations can be fully managed by p5.js, which not only means increased ease of control for the user, but also not having to have 2 sets of data for t…
Been working on Tensorboards from few months but seeing this error for the first time…
Может лучше использовать [wgpu](https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu) у него есть как раз привязки для c++ [wgpu_c++](https://github.com/eliemichel/WebGPU-Cpp)? Он поддерживает практически все графические A…
Request to support patches with webgl.
@almarklein and I discussed this and the only challenge was that we needed an algorithm to turn patches into triangles. I have found: https://github.com/mapbox/…
Not sure if this is by design but the material appears pink wnen building for webgl
Unity version : 2020.3.7f1
Plugin version : URP 10.5/1.5.1,1.5.2
Not clear if this is a question or a bug: how does one animate a D3FC WebGL shader when underlying data is updated? The typical D3 transitions will update the data, but it will not transition those up…
am almost sure this is not normal
No errors in the console
Great work on this, will there be Unity WebGL support?