I noticed a message from 2019 about the ZigBee radios being something that is in the works, any luck with that. https://community.home-assistant.io/t/attention-all-wink-relay-owners/80983/2
### Link
### Database entry
### Zigbee2MQTT version
### Comments
Since arduino-esp32 has releaseed the new…
| Название | Значение |
| __Производитель__ | _TZE204_yvx5lh6k |
| __Модель__ | TS0601 |
| __WEB Build__ | 1.5.2 |
| __API Build__ | 1.10.1 (12570) |
| __Шаблоны__ | 4195 |
I having some problems with ZHA of Homeassistant.
In order to make espzb work, I used some special methods (skipping some logic processing).
But there are several issues that need to be addressed:…
### The problem
All the sensor names have been uniquely changed within the Aqara app, however when imported into HA via Matter plugin, all devices have the same names.
| Название | Значение |
| __Производитель__ | _TZ3000_92chsky7 |
| __Модель__ | TS110F |
| __WEB Build__ | 1.4.27 |
| __API Build__ | 1.9.10 (11847) |
| __Шаблоны__ | 3411 |
1. find the firmware suitable for your dongle P or E
2. github.com/itead/sonoff_zigbee_dongle_firmare (e.g. for ZBDongle-E https://github.com/itead/Sonoff_Zigbee_Dongle_Firmware/blob/master/Dongle-E/R…
**Describe the bug**
Home Assistant states that sensor.uzg_01_esp_temperature (the sensor provided from my ZigBee gateway running XZG) no longer has a state class. This prevents it from being able to…
| Название | Значение |
| __Производитель__ | Aqara |
| __Модель__ | lumi.valve.agl001 |
| __WEB Build__ | 1.5.6 |
| __API Build__ | 1.10.1 (12632) |
| __Шаблоны__ | 4244 |
I have an unsupported eWeLight device.
But zigbee2mqtt doesn't show a model name.
I tried adding an external converter:
const {light} = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/modernEx…