class TestPage(object):
async def test_01(self):
with allure.step("execute test_02"):
hello, why Build step 'Allure Report' changed build result to UNSTABLE ??
I and my colleagues think that this feature is must have for fast browsing and analysis
## allure状态只有broken
> 明明执行结果是failed,但是报告只有broken 黄色
## 版本信息
xin7c updated
2 years ago
Hi @mclay!
Could you please advise if the Allure Report tab should be displayed for tests in Pipelines / Releases, for example, here:
@pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True)
def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
Hi, Dmitry from Allure here!
Allure Team is currently working on official Newman Allure integration, and we would like to take this project as a baseline. What do you think?
Sometimes squish fails to start the login flow because it's stuck in the `Before you get started` modal. This makes the CI tests fail in some situations.
I have many different request tests within a collection, but I noticed that the `TestScript` in the Allure report only shows Collection tests and not tests for each individual request.