In my case, I use 60dp x 60dp image view, and want to animate apng.
But it animate with strange size with this image view.
When I change image view size to 80dp x 80dp , it works well.
I add my …
Hi, I'd like to use your software but I don't understand chinese. Could you translate the "README.md" in english please?
For now, when I choose "WEBP" and press the purple button, the images PNG are …
### Discord username
### Plugin description
This Plugin recreates a [GameBanana's](https://gamebanana.com/) Upic, upic is basically a unlock that allows you to use image in userna…
As APNG is explicitly supported here, I tried `leanify -v` on some of my files.
It appears to work and does not report anything suspicious:
Processing: 4_frames_good_from_gif2apng.png
Abgespalten von #271.
Folgende Änderung soll im Hinblick auf TI-M bewertet und falls nötig behandelt werden:
> - Specify `Content-Type` and `Content-Disposition` usage in the media repo, as per …
### Proposal Details
Right now,
mime/type.go includes what seems to be a somewhat arbitrary list of built-in types:
var builtinTypesLower = map[string]string{
".avif": "image/avif",
Hi, assume I have this POST request
POST / HTTP/1.1]
Host: example.com
Content-Length: 1092
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryzZgoVbc9kBDZDmAs
User-Agent: Mo…
### What happened?
Embedded an app with frankenphp. Trying to run it with `./my-app php-server`, it works under localhost:80.
Creating a Caddyfile and using `./my-app run` has a few problems:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/ql/data/scripts/xjasonlyu_98tang_daysign/daysign.py", line 199, in
File "/ql/data/scripts/xjasonlyu_98tang_daysign/daysign.py", line 169, i…