I keep having this issue when I add a user to BETY. I enter in all of the info and hit the sign up button, which then results in an error message (see attached)
![screen shot 2015-10-01 at 1 17 00 p…
The behavior of the `write.configs.ED2` script is strange, specifically the section responsible for writing the `config.xml` file. I'm not entirely sure what the role of the arguments `defaults` vs. `…
After an update I ran an ensemble run to test ability to run SIPNET from the web interface. The model runs completed successfully but the ensemble analysis failed. I think this is related to ensembl…
@robkooper @bcow
I am having a similar issue as Betsy with the latest and greatest code. Basically, I have setup my hostlist as required but it doesn't seem to be used correctly from the web interfa…
I am trying to use the insert_managements.rb script on the pecandev server
I created a clone of the ebi_production database. It has user bety and is called ebi_production_20150810, so you can open it…
@robkooper, @dlebauer: Bety's `update.psql.sh` script needs this file to work. It would be a pain to require Bety developers to install Pecan just to get the sync script.
#### phylogeny
- [x] Decide if a more restrictive value constraint than is_whitespace_normalized can be used
- not needed this is for human-readability. Would be nice to have standardized capitaliza…
On the PEcAn v 1.4.3 VM, when I run
``` sh
sudo -u postgres ./scripts/load.bety.sh
I get the error
``` sh
Checking schema : ERROR: relation "schema_migrations" does not exis…
I added a polygon to the sites in ebi-forecast.igb.illinois.edu/bety-mepp using
``` sql
UPDATE sites SET geometry = ST_Geomfromtext('POLYGON((40.062806716 -88.204463395
640.0,40.062776529 -88.206…
Specifically, I'd like to create a 'site' for the NLCD dataset which has the following geographic info:
The map projection used is Albers Conical Equal Area.
Projection parameters: