Commit ID: 860e0fe
Version of GNU Bash: 4.4.12
$ echo foo
$ !!:s@f@/ # 注意: この@はカーソル位置を表わす記号ではない
$ echo /foo@
Commit ID: 6129766
Version of GNU Bash: 4.4.12(1)-release
コマンドを実行した後,端末エミュレータの画面に`\e[>4;1m`と`\e[>4;2m`(註: `\e`は実際にはエスケープ)という文字列が余計に表示されてしまいます。
**ble version**: 0.4.0-devel2+5f0d49f
**Bash version**: 5.0.3(1)-release
**ble version**: 0.4.0-devel2+06ae2b1
**Bash version**: 5.0.3(1)-release
**ble version**: 0.4.0-devel1+7be255c
**Bash version**: 5.0.3(1)-release
正確な閾値は不明ですが,1.4 GiB程の大きさの履歴ファイルがあると,(単に沢山の履歴を処理しているのに時間が掛かっているとは思えない程)動作が遅くなります。
**RxJS version:** 5.0.0-beta11
**Actual behavior:**
I tried to use the beta 11 today in the project I'm working on, and the QueueSchduler schedule method raises the following error:
TypeError: this.S…
**ble version**: 0.4.0-devel2+efe1e81
**Bash version**: 5.0.16(1)-release,x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
((Before I begin, I just wanted to say that this project is amazing. Thank you for making it!))
It …
I use fzf for going through my history. Currently installing ble overrides my key binding for the C-r. Would be nice to have a way to unbind from ble through a command.
I am not sure if the key bi…
**ble version**: 0.4.0-devel2+5327f5d
**Bash version**: 5.0.16(1)-release,x86_64-apple-darwin19.3.0
If I resize a terminal window without typing at least one character into it, the shell won't acc…
Not sure about exact api yet. Probably similar to `observe`? Or a utility that takes an expression that is tracked, and it's output can be subcribed to?