Routine should be a 3-day schedule, but if time does not permit, switch to a 2-day routine.
**There should be a 1-day rest period** between routine days.
Each exercise should be five sets of 10 …
Routine should be a 3-day schedule, but if time does not permit, switch to a 2-day routine.
**There should be a 1-day rest period** between routine days.
Each exercise should be five sets of 10 …
Routine should be a 3-day schedule, but if time does not permit, switch to a 2-day routine.
**There should be a 1-day rest period** between routine days.
Each exercise should be five sets of 10 …
This issue is a follow up from the discussion at
to dig deeper into the usage of the odata v4 model API from Javascript. Thanks …
In `main.py` single intervals (e.g. chest compressions or strokes) will be flowing-in one at a time via a TCP connection. This means that we will get smaller datafiles. We need to make sure the transf…
Based on the information in the literature (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26323410), it looks like the attached equation is used in PKSim for GFR calculation. Is there any equation use…
# Katselmointi
## Sivuston käytettävyys
### Mitä tein
* 1.8.2019 klo ~14:00
* Rekisteröidyin ja kirjauduin sisään
* Lisäsin kalenterissa "Log bodyweight"
* Lisäsin kalenterissa "New …
StudyID| Age| BodyWeight| ReportCL |PKSimCL| Ratio|
-- | --: | --: | --: | --: | --: |
'Vogelstein 1977' | 15 | 77 | 133.98 | 95.369 | 0.71181 |
'Vogelstein 1977' | 15 | 62.5 | 90 | 85.92…
OpenUI5 version:
1.67.0, 1.67.1
Browser/version (+device/version):
The following code was working till 1.67
path: "/BodyWeight(" +…
OpenUI5 version:
Browser/version (+device/version):
Google Chrome Version 70.0.3538.77 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)
Any other tested browsers/devices(OK/FAIL):
URL (…