It just got introduced this morning, and it's be nice to see it implemented.
Do you think you could add support for broadcasting not just the "/say" command?
When using the broadcast functionality with a 1x1 matrix and an arbitrary 1xn or nx1 matrix, we don't get a broadcasted matrix as a result but a 1x1 matrix which is the operation a…
Got an EZ1 from Sonnenladen, it seems the smartphone app can fetch data with "direct connect" via Bluetooth. Is it possible to use the BT method instead of using WiFi/IP? Does the Bluetooth API need t…
I have this piece of code:
using Base.Broadcast: Broadcasted, BroadcastStyle
using YAXArrayBase
struct YAXStyle{T} findfirst(isequal(n),alldims),dn)
newndim = maximum(newpos)
Hi, I've been running some tests with gun to try and reach its limits
I made a simple test 1 receiver node and N sender nodes
I posted the full set of tests [here](https://github.com/boufni95/g…
I'm not sure if this is a repeat.
julia> function gbitarray(i)
a = 1.0:0.1:10.0
@inbounds i > 3 ? a[(a.>3.0) .& (a .< 5.0)][1] : a[5]
julia> using C…
H = [1., 0.]; S = [2. 0.; 0. 1.]; A = Array{Float64, 2}(undef, 1, 2);
A .= Mul(H', Inv(S)) .* 1.
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching getindex(::LazyArrays.Applie…
I've found it useful to have a version of Dataset.sum which sums variables in a way that's consistent with what would happen if they were broadcast to the full Dataset dimensions.
The difference is…