Osmand 3.4.0/Android misses the option to choose an alternate routing provider (for example BRouter for bicycle).
Is there a new way to do that on this version?
Thanks for your help.
the latest version of osmand does not seem to to reognize the routing.xml
I have put it in net.osmand.plus and alternatively in the routing subfolder. neither worked. have tried all sorts of variat…
The „Neue Linzer Donaubrücke“ is tagged as highway=construction, construction=secondary and still some profiles (e.g. trekking, shortest) route over it:
When I search on a lat/lon location (`51.341, 6.0`) in the search box, brouter returns a different location then OSM with nominatim.
With OSM/Nominatim:
I do wish to add traffic_calming nodes into the routing, like traffic signs.
A traffic sign is less annoying then a traffic_calming=bump or traffic_calming=dip.
One road can have multiple traffi…
Brouter doesn't seem to understand ways like [this one](https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/584971528), which have a cycleway only in one direction (in this case, only in the Southbound direction). It i…
Given [this example](http://brouter.de/brouter-web/#zoom=17&lat=45.119606&lon=5.69763&layer=OpenStreetMap&lonlats=5.697463,45.119266|5.695553,45.116843&nogos=&profile=trekking&alternativeidx=0&format=…
Currently it is quite irritating to make queries with a custom profile - it is necessary to upload it every time (switch to file manager, find some specific file, open it, copy content, select upload)…
Currently profile are displayed by their id which is suboptimal.
It would be great to have a proper name (eg `shortest` -> `Shortest` at least), and maybe also a description of it that we could disp…
Hi! I am bafled by the lack of a commuting profile both on your collection and on the brouter standard profiles. I understand that one can cook one as per your instructions, though, why not offering o…